Monday, April 2, 2012

Brian My Baby Brother!

I just got a baby brother!  I’m so happy!  His name is Brian, and he’s the first boy in the family!  Now my family has the biggest and littlest kid of the whole Lee family!

Brian was born in January 24th, he was supposed to be due on February, but he decided to come out a tiny bit early.  He’s absolutely adorable and so small!  He weights 2.32 kilos and measures 47 cm.

It was like 7 am when I heard my dad shouting.  I woke up, still yawning, and went to my mom’s bedroom to see what all the yelling was about.  When I went in, I saw my dad rushing around throwing everything from diapers to blankets into a suitcase.  The next thing I knew they were rushing out the door, saying hurried goodbyes to Melody and I.  I was really excited and Melody was yelling and running around the house.  We were about to have a baby brother!

The rest of the day passed without anything exciting.  I really wanted to see Brian.  My violin teacher and I mixed a CD of classical music for Brian, from everything, lullabies to operas.  Then, after dinner, my dad called my grandma, my sister and I to see Brian.  I was so excited!  Then we saw Brian, he was so small and wrinkly, even though I thought he was really cute, Melody said that he was creepy because he all red and had an overlarge head.  I think Melody pictured him as one of the television commercial babies.  Like the ones on Huggies...

Brian is a great addition to the family, he's really cute and sweet, he's really well behaved (my mom says that Melody and I used to cry way more than him), well, at least now he's actually SLEEPING at night and not in the morning....  =P  

Monday, September 12, 2011

The Voyage

Natalia Lee
Navigator & First Mate

        What an adventure it was!  An adventure so exciting it seemed like yesterday.  I’ll tell you my story.  Me?  I’m Natalia, former Navigator and 1st mate on the Black Diamond.  Black Diamond was my crew’s ship.  Yes, we were explorers.  So, where should I start?  I’ll start at Gilder, my homeland, the first day of our voyage, the day where the big storm struck.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Fourth Grade Memories

    Fourth grade is over... time goes by fast!  I'm going to miss a lot of things, but the thing (actually, a person) I'm going to miss most is my English teacher Ms. Reynolds.  My four th grade class was 4b, I still remember not wanting to be in 4b!  Why?  Because in all my elementary life, I was a A class student, (K4a, K5a, 1a, 2a, 3a....) so naturally, I wanted to continue my "tradition".  But now, looking (and thinking) back, I realized that it would be very unwise to really, really hope and wish for 4a.  Fourth grade, 2010~2011, my first B class, was probably one of the best grades I've been to, thanks to Ms. Reynolds.  

    Ms. Reynolds, at the beginning of the year, was "allergic to students".  That made quarter 1 of 4b very funny.  I still remember hearing everyone chanting, "bless you!" whenever she sneezed, then, someone (a boy) would say, "you're allergic to students!"   

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Hachi: a Dog's Story

     Last night my sister, mom, and I watched Hachi: A Dog's Story.  This movie is about an Akita from Japan whose cage fell out of the baggage cart in an American train station, where he is found by a professor named Parker Wilson. Parker decides to keep Hachi after asking many people for

Monday, January 10, 2011

Ninja's Daily Life

       Ninja does almost the same things everyday, like a daily routine.  Ninja is afraid of water so we can't wash him.  I was kinda worried about him getting dirty but I found out that he WASHES himself.  He licks his front paws to rub his face, it's the cutest thing I ever saw an animal do!!  Sometimes he acts like a dog: he uses his back feet to scratch himself on the neck, and then he licks the bottom of his feet.  I have no idea why he does that, probably to clean his feet.  He also does some serious ear cleaning, he uses his back feet to rub his ears, inside and outside.  Ninja’s fur was very black, but now some white, grey, and golden-brown fur is sprouting on his body.  His ears have a little bit of white fur but his face his still pure black, with the little white dot on his forehead. 

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Ninja’s Terrible Teeth

         Ninja’s teeth are a nightmare.  He bites everything, anytime, anywhere.  He bites cable, paper, tape, plastic, RUBBER, etc.  One time, he bit a hole through a very thick rubber bouncy horse.  My little sister was the first to spot him.  She started screaming at my mom, telling her that Ninja is biting the horse, but my mom didn't believe her.  She told my sister that it just looked like Ninja was biting the horse, and it was just smelling it.  But she said "But mom Ninja IS biting the horse!"  Then my mom looked up, and saw that Ninja really WAS biting the rubber.  But it was too late; the animal has already bitten a big chunk of the horse's ear.  You should have seen the rubber horse, it was just lying there, deflated. Then I scolded him: "Bad Ninja!" 

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Ninja, Our New Family Member

    Ha! I have a bunny!!! I have a bunny!!! It’s name is Ninja, want to know why? Because the night I got him, I tried to pick him up but Ninja jumped out, also, his name’s Ninja ‘cause he’s so swift! I wanted to name him Oreo but “Ninja” fits perfectly well on him. He is a black little fur ball with a tiny white patch of white fur on his forehead, he's so cute! His fur is SUPER-SOFT and sometimes I wish I could use him as a pillow. I got him in Thursday, April 15th. It was my friend's birthday, it was very fun, but the best part was that you could take a bunny home!! My friend told me that she reserved Ninja just for me, and said that he was a little VIOLENT!! The other girls got different bunnies with different patterns; most of them were black and white.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Fin and Waves

    There once lived a blue shark named Fin in the Pacific Ocean.  Fin lived happily in the Epipelagic Zone.  One day, a hurricane swept the shark into the Bathapelagic Zone.  Fin was all alone.
    Fin was afraid, very afraid.  He didn't know where he was.  Suddenly, he heard a squeak, "Hi, who are you?"

Fin looked around, he didn't see anyone, then, he saw a flash of blue.  Fin stared hard at the thing, then said, "WHO are YOU?"  The voice answered, "Oh I'm Waves, I'm a dolphin."  "Dolphin!? DOLPHIN!?  Run for your lives!!!" Fin screamed.  He was VERY afraid of dolphins, he had heard his shark friends talk about dolphins killing sharks.  "Wait!  Wait!  I'm not going to hurt you, I know that sharks are afraid, but I'm not going to hurt you."  Fin slowed down a bit, "REALLY?  You're not going to hit me?"  "Do-do-do you want to be my friend?" asked Waves.  "Okay, I mean what else can I do?" said Fin.

    Suddenly, they heard a voice.  "Hahaha!!  Looks like today's my lucky day!"

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

天下第一味- 爭鮮迴轉壽司





Saturday, August 28, 2010

Pisina Naturais: Swimming With Fish

        Fish, fish, fish, fish…  I saw a BUNCH of fish!!  In Porto de Galinhas, we headed to the main attraction: the Pisina Naturais.  The name Pisina Naturais means Natural Pool in Portuguese, the pools are round shallow holes formed by corals and rocks, the water is really calm and shallow, because there’s a wall of corals surrounding the beach, that way, the waves just splash on the “walls” and don’t go near the coast. 

Friday, August 27, 2010

My trip to Recife Brazil

We went to Recife right after the day my vacation started.  I was so busy at school to write anything.  Well, how can I start?  We took a plane to Recife.  The 1st day, we went to this place near Recife called Olinda. We went there to visit a Buddhist temple, we met abbess Jue Xi and ate lunch there. 

In the temple, we met a very nice man, he knew a lot about the history in Olinda so he took us on a tour to see some important churches.  They were all REALLY old; some were even 500 years old!!  But the best one we saw was a 400, okay, to be exact 428 year old church.  It was BEAUTIFUL!!  It was all gold, like the roof was gold, the statues were gold….. EVERYTHING was gold.  And the gold wasn’t just gold paint; it was a thin layer of real, actual gold. 

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Which Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs Character You Are?

I made this quiz for the school newspaper.  We had a movie night at our school and the movie was Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs.  I thought that it would be cool to make a quiz related to the movie for the newspaper.  But unfortunately the new issue of the paper never got published.  So I put it on this blog for everyone to read.  Enjoy!!

1. In 20 years, do you think that human beings are going to be able to vacation on Mars?

A. Yes, definitely
B. If the Earth doesn't get destroyed, then we might
C. Don't be immature, we'll never go that far
D. Is there a DisneyWorld?

2. Your computer's Internet is working VVEERRYY slow and you have to e-mail something to your friend, you...

A. Be patient and keep on clicking the button "reload"
B. Check out the Internet problems and try to find out why
C. Leave it, and find something more ordinary like writing a letter   by hand
D. Throw the computer out the window

3. You're playing a basketball tournament and your team is losing by far, how do you react?

A. Do your best and try to score
B. Try to figure out the strategy for your team to win
C. Leave it, you'll never win
D. It's for fun so enjoy it

4. Do you think that there are aliens hanging around in another planet?

A. Of course, anything can happen
B. Today's science doesn't prove so I cannot give the exact answer
C. No way!!
D. Do they play soccer?

5. If you saw a gigantic Oreo falling from the sky, what would you do?

A. Say "wow" and wonder what'll happen next
B. Stand where you were and investigate when it hits Earth
C. Run away screaming to a safer place
D. Think about how it would taste

Calculating your answers....

Monday, April 19, 2010

福克蘭群島-Kay's B&B

當我們到達福克蘭群島時,首先我們去參觀Kay’s B & B,那是一個有美麗花園的民宿。



我們叫她Auntie Kay,她帶著我們去她的花園。它看起來就像一本童話書,到處都是五顏六色的花草,還有許多帶著紅帽的小矮人點綴著花園,他們看起來好可愛喔!! 有一個還真像聖誕老公公呢!! 我們跟Auntie Kay和她的企鵝娃娃拍了一些照片。

之後,Auntie Kay給我們薑餅吃,這些薑餅美味又鬆脆,是她親手做的。我的朋友發現了4隻小狐狸在kay阿姨家的籬笆旁邊。


Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Is Being Famous Good?

    Is being famous good?  Most of the people would think that it's the best thing in the world, but some people might not agree with that. These following storys happened just resently are good examples for the two diffrent angles. 

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Are you a Nerd or what?

 Are you mysterious, a little evil devil, a quiet queen, a cool kid, or what?  Take this quiz and find out!!  It's wierdly accurate...

   Alert: If you don't even bother LOOKING at this quiz, then you are sent STRAIGHT to a nerd category. 

   1. You accidently break your sister's favorite Barbie, you...
          a. Hide the broken Barbie and never say a word about it 'till your sis finds out... oops
          b. Keep worring about it and convince yourself that your sis won't find out
          c. Laugh and write everything in your diary, but don't tell your sister
          d. Laugh like a total maniac and tell your sis it was you and beat her up

    2. It's a school day and you sleep late even though you knew your alarm clock was ringing, you...
          a. You just glide into the kitchen and eat your breakfast
          b. Have a "look" your face and try to calm down
          c. Haha, even if mom finds out, who cares!!
          d. Heeheehee, my mom'll never find out!!  Lie that your alarm clock wasn't ringing

    3. All your friends are taking ballet and jazz classes exept you, you...
          a. lie to your friends
          b. Don't say anything
          c. Try to hang on and thank your lucky stars that they are at least your best friends
          d. Say: Who cares about ballet?

    4. You meet a stranger on the street and he asks where you find Drive 64, you...
          a. Shrug your shoulders
          b. Keep your lips pursed and pray that he would not ask you again
          c. Tell him and get out of there as soon as possible
          d. Ignore him and walk away

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Super Secret Test

Find out if you are meant to be a spy, a deredevil, or a safety savage.

1. If you could, would you sneak in to a...
a. wearhouse
b. chamber
c. hounted house

2. What gear would you use...
a. magnefing glass
b. fingerprint powder
c. a stinkbomb

3. What would you wear...
a. black jacket
b. black ninja suit
c. white glow in the dark swimsuit

Friday, February 12, 2010

Helping Haiti!!

     Hey Folks!!! Haiti needs our help! Act Now!! There are many ways to do it and everyone can!!

     I helped raise some money for the Haiti people during my vacation. You know how I did it? First, I wrote a letter to Star Princess’s cruise director J.J. and this is what I wrote:

Dear J.J.,

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

My visit to Kay’s B&B Falkland Islands

    When we arrived to Falkland Islands, we first went to visit a place called Kay’s B&B.  It is a home-stay with a beautiful garden.  My mom called Kay a few weeks ago to ask if she could help us get tickets for a very popular tour.  She was real nice.  She tried very hard but they were all sold out long ago.  But we were still lucky to be able to visit this nice lady and her lovely garden.

Sunday, February 7, 2010


Tell you what!  On the ship, there was a magician!!  His name was Greg Moreland and he even has his own website!!  It is  He is a great comedy magician. He is one of the coolest magicians I’ve ever met.   Check out his videos on youtube.  Guess what else he did on the ship?  He was Star Princess’s Magic teacher!!  He taught us how to do these magic tricks: The Royal Hotel, Mississippi Shuffle, The 4 Burglars, Band up the Nose, Pen up the nose, etc.  

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Rockies in Stanley-Falkland Islands

    Today (1/29) was SO COOL!!!  We were just planning to walk around the island because all the tours we wanted were sold out.  But me and my mom were really lucky to get 2 tickets because someone gave up at the last minuet.  It's a tour to see ROCKHOPPER penguins and guess what? We had to go on a bus and then to a 4WD which was really, really bumpy and on the way there, we had to sit on the back, back seat and it was the bumpiest seat in the whole car.