Suddenly, they heard a voice. "Hahaha!! Looks like today's my lucky day!"
Fin and Waves turned around. They saw a peculiar looking, scary looking thing, it had a very big mouth. It could only mean one thing: A GULPER EEL!! Fin and Waves just stared, they were frozen in place, frightned.
The gulper eel charged towards them. When they realized what was happening, they swam, and they swam faster than they swam before. Fin and Waves were very good swimmers, but the gulper eel was even faster! He soon caught up. "Ahhhhh!! What are we going to do!?" screamed Fin. "I know! Let's swim upwards and upwards so we get to the place where there is so much light that the gulper eel won't survive!" answered Waves. "Good idea!" So they swam upwards and left the gulper eel chasing them, a little confused. Finally, they reached the Mezopelagic Zone. There was a weak light at the Mezopelagic, the gulper eel couldn't stand it anymore and returned to his home back in the Bathapelagic without his dinner.

The gulper eel charged towards them. When they realized what was happening, they swam, and they swam faster than they swam before. Fin and Waves were very good swimmers, but the gulper eel was even faster! He soon caught up. "Ahhhhh!! What are we going to do!?" screamed Fin. "I know! Let's swim upwards and upwards so we get to the place where there is so much light that the gulper eel won't survive!" answered Waves. "Good idea!" So they swam upwards and left the gulper eel chasing them, a little confused. Finally, they reached the Mezopelagic Zone. There was a weak light at the Mezopelagic, the gulper eel couldn't stand it anymore and returned to his home back in the Bathapelagic without his dinner.
"I'm glad I found you," said Fin. "Me too" replied Waves. After their adventure, they became best friends and played together everyday. Fin was never alone.
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