Saturday, February 6, 2010

Rockies in Stanley-Falkland Islands

    Today (1/29) was SO COOL!!!  We were just planning to walk around the island because all the tours we wanted were sold out.  But me and my mom were really lucky to get 2 tickets because someone gave up at the last minuet.  It's a tour to see ROCKHOPPER penguins and guess what? We had to go on a bus and then to a 4WD which was really, really bumpy and on the way there, we had to sit on the back, back seat and it was the bumpiest seat in the whole car.

    After the 1 hour bumpy road drive, actually, there was really no road, just a bunch of didledees and red ferns.  We went to the rockhopper penguin colony and there was a B-U-N-C-H of rockopper penguins.  These rockies were really mean to each other, they yell at each other when one steps on another’s rock. They hop in a really cute way and it looked really awesome. 

    They were so close, sometimes, people ask that I touched it or not. The answer is… I didn’t because it had a line that separated the humans and the penguins. And the best part? We actually saw a mother or father penguin feed a baby one!! Let’s say that her name was Puff. It was like this: Puff starts following it’s mom and yapping for food and the mom opens her mouth and Puff gets the food from her throat. It was really cool!

    Also I saw an adult rockhopper go to the bathroom, YUCK!!!  First, he sticks his butt out and kind of shoots the "you-know-what-it-is" out of his butt on the ground, the "you-know-what-it-is'' was WHITE!!!   I called my mom and when she turned her head to the penguin, it was done doing his business. Then, I saw some kid or baby penguins shedding feathers. They were so CUTE! My mom filmed a lot of videos featuring... THE ROCKIES!!!  I got to take a picture with my dad’s camera, it was a pretty good shot and I’m deciding to keep it hanging on my bedroom wall for a memory of Stanley – Falkland Islands.

    Finally, it was time to go back to the ship, so we got on the 4WD.  But this time, we were real fast and got on the middle seat. Which was not so rumbly and shaky.  You can sleep, but you will wake up occasionally bumping your head on the side.  

    And the coolest part? The driver was a GIRL!!! There was another 4WD that was driven by another girl.  After some rumble rumble rumbling, the other 4WD got stuck in a very steep bump or something like that. Our driver was the first to spot that and motioned the others to come help. Then, our driver’s dad pulled out the car that got stuck. Hurray!!!!! Then we took the bus back to Port Stanley and we found out that the bus driver was our 4WD driver’s mom!  Boy!  Looks like Stanley is a very small town!  But it is full of interesting wonders!!!  = )

1 comment:

Benny said...

Your description about the penguins going to the bathroom was so detailed!!! Cool and YUCK !