There once lived a blue shark named Fin in the Pacific Ocean. Fin lived happily in the Epipelagic Zone. One day, a hurricane swept the shark into the Bathapelagic Zone. Fin was all alone.
Fin was afraid, very afraid. He didn't know where he was. Suddenly, he heard a squeak, "Hi, who are you?"

Fin looked around, he didn't see anyone, then, he saw a flash of blue. Fin stared hard at the thing, then said, "WHO are YOU?" The voice answered, "Oh I'm Waves, I'm a dolphin." "Dolphin!? DOLPHIN!? Run for your lives!!!" Fin screamed. He was VERY afraid of dolphins, he had heard his shark friends talk about dolphins killing sharks. "Wait! Wait! I'm not going to hurt you, I know that sharks are afraid, but I'm not going to hurt you." Fin slowed down a bit, "REALLY? You're not going to hit me?" "Do-do-do you want to be my friend?" asked Waves. "Okay, I mean what else can I do?" said Fin.
Suddenly, they heard a voice. "Hahaha!! Looks like today's my lucky day!"