My Jellyfish Adventure began as... Me and my family went to this aquarium that you actually get to sleep in. kinda like camp but only you got to get into sleeping bags and sleep in front the tanks after the crowd has all gone.
The aquarium was called "National Museum of Marine Biology & Aquarium" in Pindong (屏東).
It was so cool! We got to see a beluga whale show and dolphins, nurse sharks and more. We even
got to see a huge mantaray!! But the best part was getting to tour around the place where they work and feed sea animals. And the BBBEEEEEESSSTTT part was getting to feed AND TOUCH a jellyfish. You know, there is something specific people don't know about. It is that a certain kind of jellyfish that dosen't sting you. But it can make your hand feel tickly (well, only a FEW people, not me) my mom touched it and started saying that it tickles you. And then I said that it didn't and then she said it did. Man... Well, it was pretty fun.
I brought this picture (the one above) to school and everyone started asking that: "Did it sting you?" I said "no" and they were so surprised. After everyone in the penguin group (that is the group I was in, and you got to sleep in front or near the penguin tank. Brrrr...) okay, back to what I was saying. After the penguin group got all their sleeping bags we went to sleep. We slept in front the big seaweed tank with lots of colorful fish. Which was near the penguin tank. Anyways, this was THE MOST interesting and rare vacation EVER!!!!!